What Actually is Web Hosting
If you would like to set up a website and render it visible to the whole world, it needs to be hosted on a server. The name of this service is web hosting.
Host your website at home or elsewhere
You could host your site on your own personal PC at your house or at your workplace, on a computer which belongs to a mate of yours, and so on. If it is a site for testing purposes, there would be no real reason for you to look for a more advanced website hosting solution than that. If you wish to create a real website, however, which will be accessible to lots of people and you desire to make it dependable, you will also need a dependable server where you will host it.
Why do you need a web hosting server for your site?
When you own a site, it is hosted on a physical machine. That physical machine has its own physical address called IP address. Writing the Internet Protocol address of the machine in your browser, however, is not the best and quickest way to access a web site. That is how and why domains appeared and why you are in need of one for your web site. Therefore, to create your web site, you require your own personal domain name and a hosting server to host your site on.
Hosting your site on your own
If you are an Information Technology pro and know how to manage a web server, you can have a web hosting server of your very own and host your site on it. This will permit you to exercise complete authority over the machine, to implement server configuration modifications and to install software updates yourself rather than having to rely on the datacenter staff. The negative side, however, is that you will have to guarantee the uptime of your site and to take care of all server maintenance tasks yourself. If you are availing of a licensed Operating System, you will also need to spend cash on the license, which is typically more high-priced if bought for an entire physical machine.
Using a web hosting plans provider
If you don't want to handle server maintenance tasks, the best solution is to open an account with a web hosting services provider. These are firms that offer clients powerful hosting servers with various hardware configurations in exchange for a given fee. The hosting servers are kept in data center facilities with special cooling and emergency power systems to guarantee constant network uptime.
Varieties of hosting services
The World Wide Web is a broad sea and there are many web hosting providers offering different hosting services to the multitude of web site proprietors out there. The web hosting services range from free-of-charge hosting services, where you can host simple, HTML-based web sites, to high-priced dedicated server hosting services that can drain your monthly allowance. So, what type of web hosting answers your requirements?
If you have a small or average-sized web page that has several hundred guests max, you could safely utilize a shared web hosting solution. Shared web hosting implies that numerous hosting accounts and websites are hosted on the very same hosting server, thus lowering the price of the service. Shared accounts commonly include CPU, RAM, bandwidth and web server storage space usage quotas to guarantee that the websites accommodated on the hosting server do not meddle with each other and do not utilize more system resources than they are allotted.
In case your web site is more resource-absorbing, you should pick a VPS hosting solution, which is the middle ground between the shared hosting solution and the dedicated hosting solution. VPS is an acronym for Virtual Private Server. It offers root privileges, which permits you to make server configuration modifications - something that would be inconceivable on a shared web server. The virtual private servers also offer burstable RAM memory options. Separate RAM memory and CPU shares are assigned to each single virtual hosting server, without anyone else using them. Typically there are other virtual private servers beside yours that make use of the system resources of the physical machine, which could sometimes influence the overall performance, but in the majority of situations it is not a problem. Should the system resources of the private virtual web server, though, be inadequate for your needs, it is plainly time to move to a dedicated web server.
The dedicated hosting is a physical server that you lease, which is utilized only by you for your own website needs. Nobody else uses its resources and you gain full root-level access, can select a hardware architecture in advance, apply updates later on and add RAM or disk drives. Unlike with the virtual private servers where virtualization is mostly at the Operating System level and all virtual containers share a single kernel, with a dedicated server you can revise the kernel of the Operating System (typically Linux-based) too.
Find your web hosting services provider
If you have an idea of what your website is going to contain, or if you have only a vague idea that has not completely evolved yet, your first move towards the creation of your website should be to choose a hosting vendor. The most relevant step to take is to find a hosting accounts provider that furnishes a broad selection of website hosting services so that you do not need to switch web hosts if you first avail of a shared web hosting solution and then outgrow the shared web hosting resources and have to move to a private virtual server web hosting solution or a dedicated web server solution. We, for example, deliver cut-price shared website hosting plans, cut-price OpenVZ and Virtuozzo-based virtual servers, semi-dedicated hosting servers with their own hosting Control Panel and even dedicated web hosting server packages. We also offer free-of-cost gifts - the shared website hosting cheap domain if they are paid for on a yearly basis, the more powerful VPS web hosting server packages and dedicated server web hosting plans come with a charge-free domain reseller account and billing software should you wish to use them for reselling purposes. Throw in the first-class 24x7x365 support service and you have all you would normally require. You could, by all means, discover other hosting companies depending on what precisely you are searching for, by conducting an online survey or by checking different online hosting reviews. The best choice, however, is a hosting packages provider that is also a domain name registrar and has web servers in more than one country - both preconditions fulfilled by us. We have hosting servers in the United States, in the United Kingdom and in Australia, and offer a lot of domain extensions for registration.
Reasonable | Webmaster | Enterprise | Starter |
Unlimited storage | Unlimited storage | Unlimited storage | Unlimited storage |
Unlimited bandwidth | Unlimited bandwidth | Unlimited bandwidth | Unlimited bandwidth |
5 websites hosted | Unlimited websites hosted | Unlimited websites hosted | 1 website hosted |
30-Day Free Trial | 30-Day Free Trial | 30-Day Free Trial | 30-Day Free Trial |
$6.17 / month | $12.67 / month | $18.83 / month | $3.25 / month |